LARK Signature Collection

LARK Signature Collection

The LARK Signature Collection is the foundation of LARK, and the heartbeat of the Tasmanian whisky category.​

From where classic and contemporary unite, somewhere between yesterday and tomorrow.

A realm where the boundaries of convention are broken, where legacy and rebellion come together to craft the exceptional. We invite you to a world where whisky is for everyone, where outdated lore is broken and new legacies are created. Where yesterday’s heritage blends seamlessly with tomorrow’s possibilities.

Tasmania is an island of rich contrasts, and so is our Signature Collection.

A showcase of four exceptional LARK whiskies, from our celebrated Classic Cask, Cask Strength and Tasmanian Peated to our very special Chinotto-seasoned Rebellion. A collection that brings to life our founders’ ongoing quest to craft whisky that not only reflects the beauty of the Tasmanian landscape, but dares to pioneer a new path in pursuit of greatness.

Welcome to the LARK Side.

          Classic Cask Classic Cask
          For the connoisseur, the collector and the just curious. Enjoyed by anyone, any way they like.​
          43% ABV Double-distilled
          Tasmanian Peated Tasmanian Peated
          Master Medal award winner at the prestigious World Whisky Awards 2023.
          46% ABV new-world peat
          Chinotto Citrus Cask Chinotto Citrus Cask
          Finished in casks hand seasoned with vibrant chinotto citrus.
          44% ABV Candied citrus
          Cask Strength 58% Cask Strength 58%
          Artfully double-distilled and aged in a considered selection of small casks.
          58% ABV bold flavours
          LARK Signature Collection Pack LARK Signature Collection Pack
          Each signature single malt has it's own place and story to tell.
          Collector's Pack
          Classic Cask Gift Pack Classic Cask Gift Pack
          This award winning single malt is where it started, approachable, with a complex edge.
          Tasmanian Peated Gift Pack Tasmanian Peated Gift Pack
          A taste of the Tasmanian spirit. A delicately smoky dram to ignite the senses.
          Chinotto Citrus Gift Pack Chinotto Citrus Gift Pack
          Finished in casks hand seasoned with vibrant chinotto citrus.
          44% ABV
          Signature Collection Flight Signature Collection Flight
          Take yourself on an adventure through each of our Signature award-winning Tasmanian Single Malts.
          Award Winning Set

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